System Monitoring Tool





Ground-mounted systems

A ground-mounted photovoltaic system takes advantage of unused or unprofitable farming areas allow you to sell power back to their grid at market rates. Therefore, the payback period can be quite fast.
Ground-mounted photovoltaic are non-integrated system, so they have less incentives.

Innovative ground anchoring systems

Randazzo Energy Team has developed innovative solutions for the anchoring systems, without permanent foundations, with low impact on the ground and simplified permitting procedures.

Centrale Terna, Caltanissetta
Ground-mounted systems

Realized in 2010.

Centrale Terna, Caltanissetta
Ground-mounted systems

Realized in 2010. Detais of the support structures without permanent foundations.

Centrale Terna, Caltanissetta
Ground-mounted systems

Realized in 2010. Fixing anchorages.

Centrale fotovoltaica Isola di Ginostra (Eolie)
Ground-mounted systems

Realized in 2004. A low-voltage distribution network provides energy to 140 families on the island. Not less than 90% of the electricity that will be consumed in Ginostra is provided by PV.

Centrale fotovoltaica Isola di Ginostra (Eolie)
Ground-mounted systems

The difficulty of access to the island required helicopter transportation of materials and assembly teams.